For the #Genuary2025 day 2, the prompt was "Layers on layers on layers".
I decided to have a go recycling some code I'd created back in 2022 to generate a fidenza pattern, but add five layers of fidenza curves on top of each other.
My first attempt didn't quite work, the curves were too close together and the colours weren't quite right:
So I adjusted the code by increasing the collision distance and simplifying the colour palette, and now it looks a lot better.
Could work on this a lot longer getting a more aesthetically pleasing mix of overlapping curves, but as it's daily challenge it'll do!
Another idea for layers-on-layers I wanted to experiment with, was inspired by geological layers, so I wrote some code to stack different height layer of fidenza patterns, then skew and recolour the right half, so it feels more like a slice of rock: